



发布时间:2024-10-01 04:25浏览次数:
本文摘要:Could Google’s new self-driving car one day have to yield to an oncoming smart bicycle?谷歌(Google)新的研发的无人驾驶汽车不会会有一天向仍未问世的智能自行车低头?

Could Google’s new self-driving car one day have to yield to an oncoming smart bicycle?谷歌(Google)新的研发的无人驾驶汽车不会会有一天向仍未问世的智能自行车低头?Samsung introduced the prototype for its Smart Bikeat a design trade show in Milan earlier this year, showing off a form of two-wheel transportation that connects to a Samsung KRX smartphone to enable onboard sensors, GPS and other safety high-tech features. Design Boom reports that Samsung teamed up with Italian frame-builder Giovanni Pelizzoli to build the Smart Bike, which sports a curved frame meant to reduce the roughness of riding on urban terrain.今年年初,三星(Samsung)在米兰设计贸易展览会上展览了旗下智能自行车的原型。这种新型双轮交通工具可与三星(KRX)智能手机连接,驱动车载传感器、GPS系统等高科技安全性维护功能。据设计邦(Design Boom)网的报导称之为,这款智能自行车由三星集团联手意大利车架设计专家Giovanni Pelizzoli联合打造出,车身总体使用曲管设计,以减轻都市路面的摇晃。The bike also has safety features such as laser beams that create an individualized bike lane and a rearview camera, which syncs with the handlebar-mounted smartphone to allow riders a view of whatever is behind them. Business Insider notes it is not clear yet whether the Smart Bike, which comes enabled with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, will go into full production anytime soon.此外,三星智能自行车还配有了其它安全性保护措施,比如车载激光器可以感应出有激光束自行车道,车上还有一台后视摄像机,与手把中间的智能手机实时,车主可以对背后的情况一清二楚。

商业内幕网(Business Insider)称之为,仍未有清楚消息证明这种装有Wi-Fi和蓝牙的智能自行车不会迅速投放批量生产。Samsung isn’t the first entrant into the smart bike market. Vanhawks Valour recently waged a successful Kickstarter campaign to fund the production of its connected bike, which tracks the rider’s performance and also features security sensors and syncs with smartphones to provide interactive feedback. Helios also offers a bike model with built-in Bluetooth and a GPS tracker.只不过,三星并不是守住智能自行车市场的第一家公司。近期,凡浩克斯公司(Vanhawks)在众筹平台(Kickstarter)上顺利募捐,筹得的资金用作生产旗下一款取名为“凡浩克斯o勇气”(Vanhawks Valour)的智能网络自行车。


Meanwhile, Google GOOG is thinking a little bigger, having announced plans last month to build a fleet of 100 driver-less cars that can shepherd up to two passengers to a destination relying only on sensors to detect location and any possible obstacles, including (maybe?) smart bikes.谷歌(GOOG)这时候也没有闲着,正在忙着规划一次大型活动。它上个月宣告,要重新组建一个100辆无人驾驶汽车车队,随行两乘客至目的地,全程仅有依赖传感器监测方位与障碍物,它所指的“障碍物”其中(说不定)就还包括智能自行车。


